Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Nelly's Travels

I had been meaning to blog a bit about this past weekend, but I never got around to it. Myself, I didn't do very much interesting. But Nelly went down to Charlotte to visit her sister who is currently completing her first year at Davidson. She had a wonderful time down there, while I was miserable and lonely the whole weekend.

Except for when I was hanging out with Laurie. Laurie, you rock! But even when I was having fun I was still missing her a ton.

But, my dear readers, I did not despair, because I knew that she would return to me (despite the trials and tribulations of flying into Newark Airport). And yesterday she came back. And there was much rejoicing. Hooooray!

Hmmm, maybe the reason I didn't blog about this was that it turns out I don't have much to say. Well, I just want to get it down in writing that I really really missed her and when she came back I was super-duper ecstatic.


Anonymous said...

don't let the fact that i was away fool you...i was super-duper ecstatic to be home: )

your small american said...

I'm glad that I was able to hang out with Tom during this time, because he contributed in a big way to Cougar Safety. Welcome back, Nelly!