Friday, March 18, 2005

This is interesting...

I found this on Slashdot, thought I'd reference it here.

New Scientist has an article up with a brief synopsis of a variety of recent (or not so recent) scientific conundrums. You can read the article: Thirteen Things That Do Not Make Sense

The missing question is, "Why thirteen questions? Why not twelve or fourteen?" Certainly there are more mysteries in the universe, more things that don't jive with the common conception of the world.

Note that the Homeopathy thing might just be bunk.

Also, I heard about this on NPR yesterday. Apparently, we've screwed up the world good and proper. The effects of human activity will continue to be felt for hundreds of years. Even if we cut off all fossil fuel use and reduced emmissions to zero, the earth will continue to warm and the seas will rise for hundreds of years. That's the conclusion of new research on global warming.

NPR has the interview I heard on their website, here.

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