Saturday, March 12, 2005

Television... Check!

Well, I honestly didn't mean for this blog to be all about my apartment and furniture, but you know, that's what's taking up most of my attention right now. Just be greatfull I'm not talking about work. I promise to mix it up a little in the future.

Java and Mike came by the house this morning to help me move the tv. I cannot thank them enough. They are the best. Rewards of an as yet undetermined variety (perhaps a cornucopia) will be provided.

It was a team effort, but the television (all 160 lbs) of it, is now in place in my apartment. And it looks marvelous!

Can you guess what show I'm watching?

The first quality thing I watched was A View To A Kill and believe me, if there's an argument for big-screen televisions, it's Christopher Walkin punching Roger Moore. It was worth the weight.

As an extra special bonus, the cable-box comes with a PVR (like TiVo). So it's all very exciting. Now we need the couch to get here and we'll really be in business.

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