Monday, February 14, 2005

The Universal PDA

Who could possibly enjoy this holiday?

We're forced by societal pressures to confirm that the person we love (positing that there is such a person) is the person we love. It's important that we each do this in a way that is as vocal and gaudy (and preferably expensive) as possible. If we fail to deliver, the results can be devastating.

What were we supposed to be doing on every other day? Does our good work on this one day excuse us from showing love and affection on other, unlabeled days? On tuesday can we go back to ignoring our significant other without a guilty-conscience? Of course we can!

The result: we have a variety of public displays of affection. One big national PDA that makes everyone uncomfortable (even the participants). It's not an expression of genuine feeling, it's Valentines Day. And we're supposed to do it.

These gifts and confesions of feeling are given under duress. And so, technically, they do not count.

My advice, There are 365 days in a year. Two of them are your birthdays and one of them is your anniversary. If that's not enough, pick any day other than Feb 14 and celebrate the death of St. Valentine in your own way (e.g. don't buy a card).

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