This is not my fantasy
I was invited to participate in a friend's fantasy football league. Such an opportunity for mass distraction could not be passed up. So I signed up and proceeded to get down to business.
First I sifted through the bajillion pieces of information about each and every player in the NFL. I created a catalog of desirable players, grouping them by position, expected points and weakness of opposing defenses. From there I estimated when each player would be likely taken in the draft and proceeded to lay out a plan several optimal draft strategies depending on what number I ended up picking.
Or rather, that's apparently what I should have done.
What I did was briefly look at the list of 200 or so players and try to figure out which names looked most familiar. Then, when the actual draft started I picked randomly from the list of the 40 or so names I recognized until they were all gone. At this point I had about 4 of the required 12 players. After that, I picked based on how much I liked their uniforms
Most of my players underperformed. My starting running back is injured. And the resulting 117 - 74 route to a team called "Maerling's Muppets" does not bode well for the future.
Having only heard about Fantasy Football (and therefore suspecting its existence in reality) and also knowing nothing whatsoever about football, I think the key to picking a successful team is basing picks off of their physical appearance and team colors. To me, this seems a surefire way to assemble the best team ever. It's how the real world works.
How can you pick if they don't show the uniforms???!
Yeah, my fantasy is about delicious cakes and pies being surprise-delivered to my door by friendly neighbors.
I guess you're supposed to pick by the player's performance last year and the quality of the competition he's facing.
I think it would be interesting to have an online fantasy pastry competition. pick your favorite cakes and delicacies and then, every time someone in the group ate something you picked you get a point. (If it makes them ill, you lose two points.)
Yes, I will WIIINNN! I will win by eating pie!!!
I agree with CBAM--pro sports can pretty much be explained with the uniform-attractiveness factor. Look at horse racing, for instance.
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