Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hillary Wins

(I really shouldn't make predictions, as I am incredibly bad at them.) Still, after Hillary Clinton unveiled her health care plan this week, I cannot help but say that she will inevitably be our next president.

This is not because the plan is so amazing that it will vault her automatically into the White House. It's just that her plan (and the way it is presented) is so masterfully done. There's a level of polish on this thing that is just unrivaled in recent politics.

It's just a gut instinct, but I don't think any of the current crop of wanna-bes can match Hillary now. Don't get me wrong, Obama's great, but this week's news shows that he's not in the same weight class.

Hillary Clinton did everything candidates are supposed to do. She went out and talked to the experts. She sat in on panels and talked to "Real Live Americas"(TM). And then she did something that, well, is pretty novel in these times. She came up with a legitimate, fleshed-out plan that appears to address one of the most pressing and intractable social needs of our country.

It's not a "me-too", it's not a sound-bite, and it's not an empty promise. It's legitimate policy.

And for the first time in a while, I am feeling pretty good about the 2008 election. Now, it's possible Obama could flex some heretofore unseen political chops and come on strong. That would be great. Because then there'd be two legitimate leadership candidates.

The problem is that we're so used to the bungling Bushies that we've forgotten what political leadership is supposed to be about. The past week's other excitement springs to mind as a perfect example. Petraeus and Bush do not have a plan; they have a prayer. And while they may be in charge, neither seems willing to approach this disaster and prepare for the inevitable collapse.

Hillary Clinton has me thinking that she is in fact capable of doing just that. Unfortunately, I have to wait almost two years until she's in position.


keebler nelf said...

i agree! i really think also that i have come to support hillary, and not just because she seems inevitable. i just think she's smart and super-qualified. and i really want a woman to be president.

keebler nelf said...

Tom said...

The NY Times is always stealing my scoops!

your small american said...

I don't know. I can't get excited about any candidates. But as long as it's not a republican.