Saturday, February 10, 2007

It's Official

It's been a long time coming. I'm happy to say that Nelly and I are officially moving to the city. We put the money down and signed a lease last saturday and only heard back from the management agency today that we were approved and the apartment is ours. Woohoo!

We'll be living it up on the Upper East Side. So long, New Jersey.


your small american said...

Yay! Well, too bad you had to leave New Jersey, but a lot of people do enjoy Manhattan, I hear.

Could-be-a-model said...

Eh, what does Manhattan have that Jersey doesn't? Nothing I tell you, nothing!

Tom, CTW is trying to talk Ultimate to you over on my blog again. You know how I feel about this. Wouldn't it just be easier to arrange a playdate between you two?

Tom said...

What does Manhattan have? Potable drinking water, for one. There are other things, but that's a pretty good one.

CTW could just come talk ultimate on my blog.