Thursday, February 23, 2006

New Fed & New Blog Connection

Couple things happening online I'd like to bring to your attention:

Hey, there's a new Fed out now.

I would direct your attention to a brand new blog started by a self-professed drunk, surley, and self-obsessed grad student soon bound for Germany. I hear, and this is just a rumor, that she is HOT! HOT! HOT!

Also, thanks to the efforts of my partly-insane cable guy, I now have cable and internet in my apartment. One of the things about moving is that it forces you to encounter the strangest people. Mostly people who smell funny and are socially awkward. Still, new is new.

1 comment:

your small american said...

Yes, that new blog is total hotness! And the blogger, I hear, despite the fact that she apparently shrunk in height 3/4 of an inch last year, is mind-meltingly hot! Wort!

I'm glad smelly people helped you move. See, everyone in the world wants to help you move. Because your apartment rocks!