Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Move In Progress

President's Day Weekend was big-move weekend for Nelly and I. My movers came, and though they smelled of alcohol and cigarettes, they did a marvelous job moving my stuff in.

I have pictures. Most of the pictures were taken before Nelly's stuff arrived. So, to get the full picture, you'll have to imagine more furniture and more boxes strewn about.

From the street, facing east, first you have to climb the stairs...

Your first left takes you into the Living Room:
NorthWest, NorthEast, East, Fully Furnished

Left off the Living Room is the Master Bedroom:
NorthEast, SouthEast, South, SouthWest

Go back out to the hallway and head east, the next room is our Study:
To Be Painted, With Paint & Furniture

And then, at the end of the hallway, there's our beautiful Kitchen. Note the brand-new Fridgidaire fridge. And... la piece de resistance, the Dish Washer

And that's the tour. There's also a bathroom, but it's dimensions make it difficult to get a clean picture.

The place is coming along nicely. All the major tasks have been completed. Though there's obviously still some unpacking to do.


your small american said...

I saw this apartment with mine own eyes--it rules. part of it is pink.

Tom said...

it's totally pink...

you have a blog now?