Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sports Analogy Attack!

Maureen Dowd has an op-ed piece in today's Times discussing the new NIE and Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program. That's a big story. However, towards the end she un-ironically quotes some random analyst as saying this:

This is a slam-dunk reversal, admitting error. Now, when they play poker, they show their hands to each other, so they don’t get another curveball.

Holy mixed-metaphors! Basketball, cards, and baseball all in one statement. My sports-metaphor to english translator says:
This is a dramatic reversal, admitting error. Now, they're sharing information freely so they don't get another shock.

I can't help but hope he went on to say.
For Bush this is really a fourth-and-ten situation, he's not the World's Strongest Man right now so he really needs to bowl a strike. The press is off-to-the-races and ready to go twelve rounds. Now, the stall count is getting high, so he could just ice the puck and it's possible the press will just give him a let, but even then the odds that he'd hit a hole-in-one are not very sailboat.


your small american said...

She must have made a bet with someone while drunk to see how many sports she could refer to metaphorically in one column.

Could-be-a-model said...

I have no idea what any of this means. You throw sports in and I get totally lost.