Monday, May 02, 2005

Watch out for Turkish Food

You know, my intenstines have an interesting history. So it could be expected that they would act up when confronted with new and unusual foods. In fact, I must say, they have been, over the past year or so, very well behaved.

But last Thursday, I stepped up to the plate of impossible foods, by going to a Turkish restaurant. This is a place that was supposed to be awesome, turned out to be kinda lame. But I mean, hey, that's the city for you.

And I have been quite gassy since then.

"Gassy since last thursday?" you say incredulously. Yes! But otherwise fine. Even for me that's odd. But it's not uncomfortable, I've been feeling fine. It's as though, the Turkish shiskebob of lamb and beef that I consumed has taken a more permanent residence than other foods.

Perhaps because, like bubble-gum or laffy-taffy, it is indigestable. They really should put a warning on their menu. Though I guess that would be déclassé.

Meamwhile, it's those around me who must suffer the consequences.

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