Thursday, May 05, 2005

"The Interpreter" Was Okay

Some friends and I have begun something they call the "Tuesday Night Movie Club". Which, to be clear, leads me to see a new movie every tuesday (or every other tuesday, depending on the availability of quality movies).

Two tuesdays ago I saw, The Interpreter. It was just okay. Not dissapointing and not any worse than I had anticipated. Which is not to say that it was great.

It suffered from Bizarrely Winding Plot disease, where the story twists and turns for no apparent reason. Nichole Kidmann is funny looking and her accent is, well, obviously an accent. Sean Penn doesn't sizzle and the sparks between these two mega-stars do not fly at all.

The movie leaves you waiting for some engagement on the issues of brutal African dictatorships, their origins, goals and the UN's role. I'd even have settled for some sexual tension between Penn and Kidmann. But in the end, it's just an excuse to put mega-stars (and the UN) on the big screen.

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