Thursday, March 08, 2007

When Doubletalk Becomes Tripletalk

The Democrats in the senate proposed a phased withdrawal from Iraq (Starting in 4 months and finishing up in a little over 2 years). It probably wont come to be, though who knows, maybe in six weeks the Republicans and Democrats will agree on a non-binding statement or something. Anyways, the Republican minority leader John (Careful-Pronunciation) Boehner had this to say:

“The Democrats are using the critical troop-funding bill to micromanage the war on terror, undermining our generals on the ground and slowly choking off resources for our troops,” Mr. Boehner said.
Because the generals have done so well with the free-hand they've had for the past 4 years! But this is just the standard doubletalk the Republican leadership always spews out. Wait, it gets better:
If a bill with an arbitrary deadline were ever passed, Mr. Boehner said, America’s enemies in Iraq would “step back, sit back and wait until the dates come and go and then go ahead and press your attack.”
Wait, is he suggesting that should the Democrats proposal go through, we'll have two years of reduced insurgency in which to build up Iraqi institutions? I'm having a hard time seeing a downside here. It's a deal!

After 8 years of bending and twisting the facts to match their world-view, the Bush-Cheney faithful are beginning to actually forget what their world-view is. It's understandable really, since it never had any basis in reality.
Iraq=civil war, Afghanistan=taliban resurgence, Iran=building nukes, N. Korea=Clinton's agreement except now they have nukes, Budget=deficits forever (in hock to the Chinese), Health-care=looming/actual disaster, Russia=rising totalitarianism, Climate=screwy, Oil=still addicted,...
Can we hold out for another 16 months?


keebler nelf said...

i find it amusing that they're charging micromanaging, since i don't think there has been a free hand for anyone in this war. i think cheney and rumsfeld and a few choice others whose names we probably don't even know have dictated every step of this war and then left generals to hang when the plans they warned them wouldn't work shockingly do not end up working.

commander in chief of the armies never meant what this administration claims it means. it doesn't mean the president can do whatever he wants in regards to the armed forces. congress' role and responsibility is to come up with plans like these and to try to build support around them. just another example of how the administration is hamstringing (word?) the congress.

your small american said...

Climate Emergency!