Friday, January 05, 2007

Tomorrow's Forecast

I know that talking about the weather means that I have nothing interesting to say, but did anyone else notice that tomorrow's weather forecast calls for near-record highs of 67ยบ? I know what a certain badger-like person would say: "GLOBAL WARMING!"

The weather certainly was enjoyable during our trip to Washington, DC over New Years (more on that later). And since I lost my hat, I'm kinda glad that it has remained rather temperate. But I like the seasons and I really do love snow.

Plus, my sister got us this incredibly delicious hot chocolate and I just don't feel right drinking hot chocolate when it's 70 degrees outside.


Could-be-a-model said...

I don't get why y'all are hating so much on global warming. Who doesn't want a 67 degree day in January? That's just about perfect weather.

your small american said...

KKK=Katastrophic Klimate Krisis!!!

The big mis-conception that Americans seem to have is that "global warming" means "hotter temperatures, guys! let's go to the beach!" But actually it means a world-wide change in weather patterns with catastrophic affects, a possible ice age in Europe due to changes in ocean currents, catastrophic crop failure, desertification, and starvation. Not to mention Manhattan under water. (Well, at least then they'll stop dissing NJ.)