Monday, March 06, 2006

Carl Comes Through

Long-time readers of the blog may recall that a while ago Nelly won the prize on NPR's news quiz "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me". That prize is Carl Kassle's voice on your home answering machine. Carl graciously allows you to script the phone message to be whatever you would like.

However, just after Nelly's victory, Carl took an extended vacation from the show. For some time now, we have been anticipating the arrival of Nelly's voice message and dreading that it may have somehow been lost in the postal-service vortex caused by our move.

But, the promised message did finally arrive this weekend. And it is wonderful. You can hear the message by calling Nelly's phone and getting voicemail. Or, as would be less annoying for her, you can listen to it (MP3) here.

As I said, we're very pleased.


your small american said...

Wow! Did Nelly write the thing about Carl's Answering Service? He even sings! So cool.

Tom said...

Nelly, myself and some of her friends worked collaboratively to come up with something for Carl to say. So it was totally scripted by us.

I was so excited when he started singing, it was perfect.