Monday, September 21, 2009

A sad, surprising end to the season

No trip to regionals this year. Very disappointing. We brought a strong team, but our weaknesses were too apparent and too easy to exploit. Turns out, high pressure zone-d is not something we were prepared to play against. Not that we should have been surprised.

Upshot, in a strong section which somehow only got 3 bids to regionals, we ended up fizzling out and finishing 5th.

Next year, BLU!


your small american said...


your small american said...

Is that guy in the picture with the broken leg the guy with the broken leg after whom the team is named?

Could-be-a-model said...

Oh, is that what BLU stands for? I always assumed it had something to do with bananas.

Tom said...

YSA: that's Boney. he hurt himself hopping. seriously. hop -> high ankle sprain. it was surreal.

CBAM: Black Lace Underwear!