Friday, July 03, 2009

Hello San Diego

Rebecca and I are in San Diego! Woo!

The plane ride was uneventful. We took off in rainy, overcast Newark and landed in bright and sunny California. Continental still bucking the no-food trend by providing ... microwave hamburgers with american cheese? What in the world are they thinking. You can't just give us a turkey sandwich?

Staying with my sister in Hillcrest. We went out for delicious Mexican food just down the block (I ate too much) and then crashed for a nap.

No calls from work. It's 4th of July weekend. LIfe is sweet.


your small american said...

Oh, dude, my memory is so bad! You are in San Diego! Have fun!!

Could-be-a-model said...

Please bring me back a burrito. Muchas gracias.