Wednesday, November 05, 2008

That Sour Taste in Your Elation Smoothie

What the hell, California? I mean, what the freakin' hell? Everyone's feeling elated, like the country is full of promise again, and you go and do this?

Well I guess it lets me know that I am not dreaming. But seriously, amending the state Constitution to say that marriage is between a man and a woman? What the hell? Why don't you also toss in some language about how far from the curb you can park or whether men can wear skirts?

Kudos to Obama for winning over these small-minded people.

I mean, though my first instinct is to just be really mad at slightly over half the voters in California, maybe it's not their fault. I wonder if the ballot initiative was set up the other way (Vote Yes for Gay Marriage, Vote No against Gay Marriage) would the outcome have been different?


your small american said...

I know! It's just heart-breaking! Also in Arizona and Florida. Now like 30 states have bans on gay marriage.

I am still hoping the new DEMOCRATIC congress and pres will pass some kind of federal civil partnership.

Anonymous said...

I think I speak for all Californians who voted AGAINST Prop 8 when I say that we are embarrassed for our state! The only people who should be more ashamed of themselves are the Arkansas voters who banned unmarried couples (i.e., homosexuals) from becoming adoptive/foster parents!

Could-be-a-model said...

Yeah, I am pissed at Arkansas too.

But seriously California! Barnyard animal rights pass, but Prop 8 doesn't? What is wrong with you people!!??

Tom said...

Yeah I guess it's really just that we don't expect much from Arkansas. But Cali is supposed to be open-minded and liberal (in all the good ways). It's like the beacon of hope that shines out of the west and lets those of us up here in the North East know that we are not alone.

And right now that beacon is shining some weird ass light.

your small american said...

i mean, San Francisco is like the world-wide epi center of GAY, how could this happen?

Kid Showbusiness said...

I'm pretty sure the world-wide epi-center of gay has shifted to the Florida Republican Party.

But anyway, you guys are missing the big picture here! The genie's out of the bottle! It's open-season on California's constitution now! We should be thinking about how we can exploit this!

Scarlett Johannson would have no choice but to date me if it was in the constitution! Think about how you can make this work for you, instead of always focusing on the negative. Maybe make every Friday Free Milk Shake Friday? The possibilities are endless. Thanks, Mormons!

Unknown said...

Ah, so sad. How far Liberalism has tumbled. There is a very real civil liberties issue here and it seems that it has fallen prey to the quest for gay marriage. The government discriminates on the basis of marital state. In inheritance – a multi-billion dollar discrimination, ditto tax filings. And in hundreds of lesser ways from the federal to the state and municipal levels.

If one chooses to marry it should be none of the State’s business. Find a faith, a local representative of that faith, a congregation of like-mindeds. Invite family/friends/associates, and pledge your troth. The government should neither interfere with, nor reward any such behavior.

If government feels a need to regulate “for the children” then it should do so – tax deductions for the caregivers, health care – all that sort of stuff. But if certain rights are granted to pairs of people, then any voluntary pairing – not just sexual-linked – should qualify. Like a woman and her sister, a mother and son, two neighbors – all should be free to declare their union and then be treated accordingly by all rules and regulations.

The answer should not be to continue the discrimination with new definitions. Equal protection is our constitutional way.