I'm sorry, we don't use that term in Alaska
From the Vice Presidential debate last night:
Question: What is your Achilles heel?
Palin's Answer: "My Achilles heel is that my executive experience of a huge energy-producing state counting towards much progress towards getting our nation energy independence. That's very important."
Um yeah. I guess it's better than just saying that you don't know what an "Achilles heel" is. The moderator tried to help her out by mentioning that others perceive her Achilles heel to be her lack of experience, but I think it just confused her more.
Wow, what's wrong with me? I totally missed that exchange! I guess I'd had a few glasses of wine by that time...
I haven't watched a single debate since W.'s pathetic performance in 2000 when I discovered this simple truth. No matter how atrocious and/or embarassing the Republican candidate's performance in the debate, the media will report that he/she "held his/her own" and "got some good points in". Our national media is a disgrace.
I am agreeing with KS far too much these days for my own comfort. The national media is a disgrace. But, so is the political campaign machinery. And it's because the the latter, that I have to agree that Palin did a good job in terms of what was expected of her, namely, to not fuck up. I'd like it if her coaches could throw a few more words into her vocabulary, but she's getting a lot better at playing the game.
The good part about Palin not answering any questions was that by about 45 minutes into the debate, I could recite her answers right along with her.
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