Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I Got Nothin'

I haven't really felt like blogging in a while. But it's not like I've fallen off the face of the earth. Let's see, what's going on with me?

I went to a frisbee tournament this past weekend. Here are some pictures of the fiasco. Including some of yours truly.

I had a really good time. It was great to get out and play some solid ultimate again.


your small american said...

I like all the outfits. What is your logo supposed to be? I like all the pictures of you standing and brooding. You seem to have a certain gravitas

Could-be-a-model said...


your small american said...

I think they didn't win so much. But instead, they looked hot. You can't do both at the same time, you know.

Could-be-a-model said...

Um, excuse me. I do it all the time YSA. It's kind of what I am known for.

your small american said...

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that only one person at a time could look hot, but not win.

Tom said...

i just like to use the word "fiasco". It's used semi-ironically as it wasn't really a fiasco.

Yeah, apparently I brood a lot when it comes to playing ultimate. I am a brooder. What am I brooding? I cannot tell you.

As far as the logo: The team name was "Harms and Cankles" (cankles being when you have no distinction between your calf and your ankle -- and harms being the same thing but with wrists and arms). So it's a stick-figure guy with really fat wrists and feet. I put him upside down cause I am a bad-ass.

Unfortunately, upside down it kinda sorta looks like a swastika.