Monday, June 09, 2008

Ultimate Frisbee is a Non-Contact Sport

It wasn't even a foul. Just a coincidental mid-air smushing of my head between three other players.

Didn't really hurt that much. Probably because I am so macho.

Monday, June 02, 2008

A Fall-off in Blogging

It seems that there's been a precipitous drop in the blogging going on. And it's not just me! I know I have been particularly quiet. (Things have been happening. Things, gentle reader, that I don't necessarily want to share willy-nilly.)

There are reasons for this near universal drop-off, of course. Chris and Jen are back in the states (sleeping around in Boston), YSA defended her muskrat, CBAM is lazy, etc...

I was going to post about my new shoes. But I didn't because I don't know where I put my camera. (It's somewhere, I think. Though it's possible that it disappeared into the ether. It exists in two states.) The new shoes are pretty nice. They're like my old shoes, but blue, they fit better and they're not three years old. They look like this.

The old shoes were pretty beat up. If I find my camera (and it isn't dead), I'll do a before and after. I know you're all fascinated.