Handy Man
Recently, it came to my attention that my car's rear break-light was out. This is annoying. First of all, it's annoying because how the hell is a person supposed to be able to tell that his break-lights are out? I never see them. And second, it's annoying because who knows what it takes to replace one of these things.
Turns out, it takes ten minutes and a phillips head screw-driver. The cost of the bulb (which is completely generic) was a whopping 46 cents at the local car parts store.
So trust me, you can replace the bulbs in your car. It's cheap & easy and will save you oodles over getting a mechanic to do it.
The only tricky part is don't touch the bulb with your hands. Car bulbs get really hot and the natural oils on your fingers will cause the bulb to burn out much faster. That piece of information was not in the owner's manual. However, everything else I needed was.