Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Post Memorial Day Blahs

We went to California and we came back. I still haven't downloaded the pictures that I took from my camera. I promise I will eventually get around to doing that. We had a really wonderful time. My brother's kids are growing faster than ever and it's really a treat to get to spend time with them.

We also got to go up to LA for a day. Amtrak has a train that goes from San Diego to LA and it's probably one of the most pleasant travel experiences you will ever have. Especially when you consider what driving to LA entails. LA is nice, but I wouldn't want to live there. We saw Venice Beach and a Dodgers game (thanks Eric!) and on our way to the train station we saw them filming Get Smart including Steve Carrell and all these people in ball gowns and tuxedos. So, I guess now we have to see it.

Since we got back we went to a frisbee tournament in Philadelphia and then got cut from the team. (It's still not clear to me why they cut us, but life goes on.) And this past weekend was spent (as Nelly already blogged) up in Connecticut. I had such a good time, I think I could have stayed there for the whole week.

I feel like I have been on vacation since the trip to San Diego. And while that's demonstrably not true (I have totally gotten work done!) I'm finding it difficult to get into the swing of things. Thankfully, work has been very quiet, giving me time to recover my focus and get going on my new projects. Woohoo! Work work work!

Monday, May 07, 2007

That Other Cost

Tomorrow (Monday) I am flying the friendly skies to San Diego, CA. I am really looking forward to seeing my brother & sister. And also, my nephew Garrett and my niece Zoe! It's been a long time since my last trip. This time should be nice, since I will be out there for a longer period.

The weather in SD is going to be a cool 65 degrees for most of the time. Which is significantly cooler than it's going to be in Manhattan. I'm not sure if that's beach weather, but it's certainly going to be nice.

I don't know how long my poor old camera battery will hold out, but I will try to snap some photos and get the cuteness up on the blog.

See you in a week and a half!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's May Day

April 1st is a celebration of practical jokes.
May 1st is a celebration of the worker.

Today, for whatever reason, I have been bombarded with the history of May Day. And also, it's very important that we all take note that Fidel Castro did not come out of his hole and see his shadow. That means that Cuba has another 16 years under a Socialist Autocratic regime. Or he might be dead.