Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ultimate Blogging

A friend of mine pointed me recently to this blog. It's all about ultimate: strategies, culture, life.

Now if you're not that into ultimate, you can be excused for not being very much interested in some random dudes mullings on the sport. But, for those of us embroiled in the thing, it's kinda interesting. This Zaz dude is fairly insightful.

It's a little taste of what ultimate players experience every weekend. And what we talk about over dinner/beers.


We're kinda lame like that.

Friday, August 05, 2005

I am sooo busy

Busy busy busy.

I'm gonna change my name to Mr. Busy

Well, maybe not.

But I am really busy lately. My weekends are completely booked up with ultimate things. This weekend I am going to Hingham, MA for more frisbee.

Next week I am headed to South Carolina with the Nellster. I'll be gone from Wednesday to Sunday.

Plus I play summer league every Monday and Wednesday. Though that all ends on the 20th. Woohoo. My summer league team is awful. Which is a bummer. We're charging towards the bottom of the heap. You can check it out. Click on "Standings". I'm on the Purple team.

Anyways, I just wanted to gripe a little bit about the busy-ness.